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We spend a little more time in King Cogidubnus' palace at Fishbourne in southern England. The king gives a wonderful banquet, but one of the guests holds a grudge and the after-dinner entertainment goes spectacularly wrong!

The Stories

Belimicus ultor Page 62

Belimicus is still furious at losing the boat race. In fact, he's like a bear with a sore head! He plots his revenge...

rex spectaculum dat I Page 63

Great food, wonderful wine and splendid entertainment. What could go wrong?

rex spectaculum dat II Page 64

Run for the hills! There's a bear on the loose! Belimicus' plan to prove himself, and get revenge, wildly backfires.

Quintus de se Page 67

Quintus relates his travels to the king - from the final days of Pompeii to exotic cities in faraway lands...