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Welcome to Egypt...welcome to Alexandria, one of the greatest and most dazzling cities in the Roman Empire. Through the next four Stages we experience the sights and sounds of this vibrant city in flash-back through the vivid memories of Quintus who stayed here with Barbillus, a family-friend, before travelling to Britain.

The Stories

tumultus I Page 78

Quintus sets off to visit Clemens, his former slave in Pompeii, who now owns a shop in Alexandria. Quintus notices, however, that all's not quite right on the streets - something's brewing...

tumultus II Page 78

Egyptians, Greeks and Romans are just a few of the peoples that live in the cosmopolitan city of Alexandria in the 1st century AD. Quintus witnesses at first-hand the racial tensions.

ad templum Page 81

Need a tour-guide to the city and its temples? Quintus and Barbillus know just the person... unfortunately!