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It's spring-festival time in Alexandria. In honor of the goddess Isis, one of the most important Egyptian deities, there's going to be a splendid procession from the Temple of Isis to the harbour. Quintus is invited along to watch by Aristo, a friend of Barbillus who then invites both Quintus and Aristo on a hunting expedition.

The Stories

Aristo Page 114

A nagging wife and a teenage daughter - oh for a quiet life...

dies festus I Page 115

Spring has sprung and it's time for a lively celebration down at the harbour. But Galatea doesn't seem to be getting into the spirit of things.

dies festus II Page 116

Whoops! Did Aristo forget to reserve the usual vantage point by any chance? At least Helena is popular, but not with her mother!

pompa Page 119

At last the procession draws near - roses, priests and music in the ceremony and a lot of pushing and shoving in the crowd.

venatio I Page 122

With spears and sandwiches packed we set off for Barbillus' country estate for a spot of hunting. Barbillus' astrologer though is in a flap because the stars do not bode well...

venatio II Page 123

Crocodile-infested waters and humans don't mix. Barbillus should have stayed in bed!