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We return the story of King Cogidubnus, his wish to seek a cure for his illness at Aquae Sulis, and Salvius' plan to poison him. Memor, an accomplice in the assassination attempt, must now act in his capacity as haruspex - a soothsayer. But will he warn Cogidubnus of the murderous plot against him?

The Stories

in thermis I Page 38

Before Cogidubnus takes the healing waters in the baths, he must make a sacrifice and consult the soothsayers to see if the omens are favorable. Will the signs be good or bad? Only Memor can say...

in thermis II Page 39

It's time. Everything is in place - the king, the assassin, the poisoned cup... but will Cogidubnus drink from the chalice? Once more into the baths!

epistula Cephali Page 42

You've got mail! A letter to the King... from Cephalus! Will it reveal the truth behind the assassination attempt? Will it name names? Is anyone safe?

Britannia perdomita Page 44

Cogidubnus confronts Memor and Salvius. It seems that they are both in trouble... but there's a twist in the tale. It's not so much Rule Britannia as Britain under Roman rule!