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We rejoin our two rascally Roman soldiers, Modestus and Strythio for one final time. Having foolishly let the prisoners they were guarding escape, they have had to flee from the scene of this last "performance" and are now hiding out in the camp's granary. A trilogy of grainy dramas that's better than sliced bread!

The Stories

in horreo Page 107

Modestus and Strythio, hiding out in the granary, have got themselves into a fine, floury mess! If they're not careful, however, they'll both be closer to "porridge" than they'd wish.

Modestus promotus I Page 109

Modestus, still hiding inside the granary, is pining for food and his girl - but he gets more than he bargained for when a band of Britons break into the legionary fortress intent on burning it down. Dark granaries, long hair and mistaken identity lead to a situation that's stickier than a sugar-coated bun.

Modestus promotus II Page 110

Can Modestus use his "loaf" and get himself out of this one? Can he turn from villain to hero? Or will he get his just desserts?