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The final stories of Book III focus on the aftermath of Cogidubnus' death. Will his kingdom pass to the Roman emperor or to someone else? Read on to witness ruthlessness, exploitation, and reward: just some of the methods used to secure and expand imperium Romanum - the Roman Empire!

The Stories

testamentum Page 125

King Cogidubnus is dead. Here follows his last will and testament. It contains a few surprises!

in aula Salvii Page 126

Salvius, now installed in the palace of the late King Cogidubnus, steps up his extortion of the Britons, and his plotting continues... Who's next on his hit-list?

cena Salvii Page 129

Salvius "entertains" his ally, Belimicus, to a private dinner in the palace. Will Belimicus get a chance to put a request in for a raise, or does Salvius have something up his toga-sleeve to stop him in his tracks? Sauce anyone?

Belimicus rex Page 131

King Belimicus! Can this be true? Or is something fishy going on with the garum sauce? We bid vale to Roman Britain and Book III, but only au revoir to Salvius... he'll be back!