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For many Romans, the daily grind of living and working in Rome stands in stark contrast to the gentle, rural pleasures of rus - the countryside. Indeed, city life is all too stressful for Acilius Glabrio, a member of one of the noblest Roman families, who grumbles about it to his friend, Helvidius Lupus. Talk turns from city to rustic matters, and then to military affairs abroad, popular poets and - most dangerously - discontent over the Emperor Domitian's rule. They should be careful...

The Stories

ex urbe Page 2

Acilius Glabrio is hot, harassed and hassled... and he's stuck in the stifling atmosphere of Rome, a hotbed of political intrigue and social unrest. He contacts his friend in the countryside, Helvidius Lupus, to vent his frustrations and to update him on current events. Two thousand years before phone, fax or email, contact is made via the main Roman method of communication - a letter.

vita rustica Page 6

Country life isn't all idyllic - there's work to be done as well! Lupus replies to Glabrio's letter, touching upon affairs at home and abroad. He ominously warns Glabrio to tread carefully around "a very dangerous man", revealing his family's infamous hostility towards the Roman Emperors. At the moment, however, he's more concerned that all his teenage son can think about is sport and girls. Some things never change!