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Take your seats! Quiet please! The famed poet Marcus Valerius Martialis - that's Martial to you and me - is about to begin a public recital of some of his poems. Just cross your fingers that you're not mentioned in them!

The Stories

Marcus Valerius Martialis I Page 18

Poems... who said poems had to be sickly and sweet! Martial launches his verbal attacks on various members of the Roman community - including a would-be poet and a woman with false teeth. No wonder he almost gets punched!

Marcus Valerius Martialis II Page 20

Martial, always one to butter-up the Emperors, changes his tone with praise of Domitian's palace on the Palatine Hill, causing our Glabrio to take action... And Diaulus, a doctor, sees his reputation go down the drain!

epigrammata Martialia Page 22

Six of the best from Martial! Book-sellers, snobbish readers, plug-uglies and doctors all get a verbal lashing in these poems known as epigrams - short, carefully wrought pieces, usually with a twist in the tail.